
Abit AN8 Fatal1ty

Description: Based on the chipset NVIDIA NF4, Fatal1ty AN8 Abit is a good choice for those looking for performance and features. Supports processsori 64/64FX Athlon and Athlon 64 X2 dual-core technology with support for Hyper-Transport and Cool 'n Quiet . The maximum amount of RAM installed is 4 GB even though, if the four banks are installed, the memory controller integrated in CPU AMD Athlon 64

Your site is ready for mobile?

Smartphones and PDAs are becoming more common. Becomes a necessity to make their usable and accessible on mobile devices. How to make your site accessible to mobile phones last generation? The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), an association that aims to improve standards, protocols and language for designing web applications, has created a special branch of his project to study issues related to

Red Hat and Cisco together

Red Hat, the world's leading provider of open source software, and Cisco will work together to announce that ' integration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux software with Cisco Unified Computing System to create a cutting edge solution that can help users to install applications mission-critical applications in a virtual datacenter with high performance. Red Hat and Cisco will also work to create an

Asus Eee 1005 HA

Well, a few days ago when I bought a netbook from Asus, the eee105HA. In fact, it all started with a mixture of the death of my notebook combined with the desire to have something portable, allowing me to use in unscheduled hours of work, school, home visits from friends and so on. Finally, after reading several reviews on, I bought one! Well, what? The screen features LED illumination of 10.1

Sejarah Blogger

Sekarang ini dunia Komputer dan InternetBlogger sangat cepat berkembang dan sangat senifikan. Bahkan hanya dalam itungan hari saja banyak bermunculan teknologi canggih yang kian bersaing demi mendapatkan pasaran. Ini sama halnya dengan dunia blog atau Website, yang saat ini banyak diminati para kalangan yang ingin memberikan informasi-informasi melalui Website atau blog. Karena mereka dapat melihat peluang yang sangat bagus didunia Website ini. Mereka saling bersaing dalam memberikan informasi-informasi yang akurat. kalian jga bisa mendapatkan ke untungan melalui Website yaitu dengan cara mendaftarkan Website di Iklan-iklan yang disediakan oleh penyedia iklan, misalnya Google Adsence, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.Dan berikut sejarah terbentuknya Blog. Dimulai oleh sebuah perusahaan sangat kecil di San Fransisco yang bernama Pyra Labs pada bulan Agustus 1999. Terjadi di tengah-tengah booming dot-com. Tetapi kami bukan jenis perusahaan yang didanai oleh VC, suka berpesta, da...

Cara Memperbaiki Master Boot Record Windows 7

Jika windows 7 anda macet saat booting karena tidak bisa meload boot loader, kemungkinan besar masalah tersebut dikarenakan master boot record dari hardisk di PC/notebook anda mengalami masalah. Untuk mengatasinya, diperlukan DVD installer windows 7 dan beberapa langkah kecil yang bisa anda lakukan tanpa harus meminta bantuan seorang teknisi komputer. Jika yang sedang error pada saat booting bukan dikarenakan boot loader atau master boot record (misalkan windows 7 hanya bisa masuk pada safe mode), maka tips ini tidak akan berguna karena tips ini hanya bisa mengatasi master boot record yang error. Booting menggunakan DVD Installer Windows 7 * Masukkan DVD installer windows 7 ke dalam DVD Rom. * Rubah setting BIOS agar pertama kali booting melalui DVD Rom. Atau anda juga bisa menggunakan menu booting dan memilih DVD Rom pada saat notebook/PC pertama kali dinyalakan. * Nyalakan PC/notebook. * Setelah proses booting berjalan, klik Repair your computer. System pada DVD installer wndows 7 ak...

Understand SSL and About SSL

What is SSL? Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was the most widely deployed cryptographic protocol to provide security over internet communications before it was preceded by TLS (Transport Layer Security) in 1999. Despite the deprecation of the SSL protocol and the adoption of TLS in its place, most people still refer to this type of technology as ‘SSL’. SSL provides a secure channel between two machines or devices operating over the internet or an internal network. One common example is when SSL is used to secure communication between a web browser and a web server. This turns a website's address from HTTP to HTTPS, the ‘S’ standing for ‘secure’. HTTP is insecure and is subject to eavesdropping attacks because the data being transferred from the web browser to the web server or between other endpoints, is transmitted in plaintext. This means attackers can intercept and view sensitive data, such as credit card details and account logins. When data is sent or posted through a browser us...