
Showing posts with the label SQL and database tutorial examples

Difference between Oracle SQL Query vs Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or Sybase

Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server are two of the most popular database but they are very different with each other and if you are migrating SQL queries or database, tables from Oracle 11g database to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 then you are bound to face some issues. Main reason of these porting issues are features which are supported and exists in Or acle database, but not available in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 like SEQUENCE, Order by clause in subqueries , and d erived tables, derived table without name etc. I am sure there are few more and it will surface based upon different database objects you are using in your tables and queries. On another hand SQL engine for SQL Server and Sybase are very much similar, at least syntactically, and if you are migrating queries from SQL Server t o Sybase you c an do that without much hassle, of course, there will be slight changes but not as much like Oracle. Read more �

How to create and call stored procedure in MySQL with IN and OUT parameters

It's hard to remember exact syntax of, how to create stored procedure in MySQL, until you are creating and working on stored procedure frequently, simply because syntax is not a one liner. You need to remember exact syntax, if you are using MySQL database from command line. What help in this case is, quick examples. In last couple of MySQL tutorial we have seen How to find second highest salary and How to join 3 tables in one query ; In this MySQL tutorial we will see couple of examples of creating stored procedure and calling stored procedure using IN and OUT parameters . All these MySQL examples are simple and help you to understand syntax of creating stored procedure with parameters in MySQL. These examples are tested in MySQL 5.5 database. We will also use following employee table to create and test these stored procedures : Read more �