
Showing posts with the label Programing

Advice For Smartphone Application Development

There is a period when telephones were a novelty. These were limited to the house or certain designated areas. These were then freed and mobile technology permitted individuals to make telephone calls on the go. With smartphone database integration there's a multitude of options having a phone which go beyond simply making calls. You will get a variety of programs. For instance if you wish to

Resolve Conflicts jQuery

jQuery as a JavaScript framework derivative the most used are also prone to conflicts between a good script script with script on the same framework or with scripts with different framework. Actually the official jQuery website already provide a very easy solution to resolve the conflict between this script but it does not hurt Blogger Tune-Up back to help discuss, especially for those who

Array in PHP

In many Web applications, often we need a variable that can store multiple values at once in an organized manner, so that next time we can recover these values with ease and in a regular and well organized. No, not the database that I mean, as I was talking to a variable, and the database is not a variable. Why is this so important? Because in most cases we only need a store of value as

Computer Basic

Easy Learn Computer will discuss about computers ranging from the most basic. Before going on to further yahap is useful to know the basic computer first. In this case the basic knowledge to be learned about the introduction of Hardware and Software. HARDWARE Computer hardware can be divided into several parts : CPU (Central Processing Unit) Input Device Output Devices

How to sort an array�s elements

Here we have used Bubble Sort algorithm. First we will take the array�s elements. For this we have used scanf() function. Then we will sort the array�s elements using Bubble Sort Algorithm. #include #include void main() { int a[20],N; clrscr(); printf("How many item:"); scanf("%d",&N); printf("Enter items :\n");

Making Pyramid with C/C++

#include #include void main() { int i = 0, j , n ; clrscr(); printf("How many rows in pyramid:"); scanf("%d",&n); while(i { j=0; while(j { gotoxy(30+j,10+i); printf("%d",j); j++; } j=0; while(j {

Sorting and Searching Program with C/C++ Language

Sorting and Searching is an important task in programming. Here we will see such a C Program. This program is used to sorting and searching a string array. Running this program we will provide names and given names are sorted and searched by the program. Programmingcode is given bellow : #include #include #include struct name // Custom Data Type