
Showing posts with the label Processor

Computer Basic

Easy Learn Computer will discuss about computers ranging from the most basic. Before going on to further yahap is useful to know the basic computer first. In this case the basic knowledge to be learned about the introduction of Hardware and Software. HARDWARE Computer hardware can be divided into several parts : CPU (Central Processing Unit) Input Device Output Devices

Know What Overclocking / Overclocking

Overclock might be a foreign language to a beginner in the field of hardware. But for those who have advanced the field of hardware, the word is a word used raw and in their daily lives. Overclock composed of two words is over and the clock, which means setup mainboard and a processor clock for VGA. Overclock can be interpreted to make the computer more quickly. Not known since when

Choose a processor

The heart of every personal computer is its processor, which is why when you go to buy one is absolutely essential to choose one that is good and above all to make our case, first of all, though I want to dispel a myth useful to lower the price of your new laptop. When you look at the processor, avoid trying to force things out of the last model, this for a few main reasons: firstly the price, if

Better Processor AMD or Intel

IntelAMD Core i7-2600, -2600K Core i7-965, -975 Extreme, -980X Extreme, -990X Extreme Core i7-970, -960 Core i5-2500, -2500K Core i7-860, -870, -875K, -920, -930, -940, -950, Core i5-750, -760 Core 2 Extreme QX9775, QX9770, QX9650 Core 2 Quad Q9650 Core i3-2100Phenom II X4 Black Edition 975 Core 2 Extreme QX6850, QX6800 Core 2 Quad Q9550, Q9450, Q9400 Core i5-650, -655K, -660, -661, -670,