Using Hydrogen Index as Maturity Indicator
The common practice in the oil industry is to make source rock maturity maps in terms of vitrinite reflectance (%Ro). However, vitrinite reflectance does not actually tell us to what degree the source rock has converted its generation potential to hydrocarbons. VR is merely a thermal stress (the combined effects of temperature and time) indicator, and a very poor one at that. To know how much of the kerogen has converted to hydrocarbons we not only need to know thermal stress, but also the kinetic behavior of the source rock, which depends on the organo-facies (Pepper and Corvi, 1995). This figure shows the fractional conversion (transformation ratio) of kerogen of different organo facies as a function of vitrinite reflectance (thermal stress). We see at 0.8%Ro, each of the standard kerogen facies has experienced very different degree of conversion, 70%, 60%, 40%, 20% and 0% respectively. Vitrinite Ro measurements are also not reliable and affected by many things, in...