
Menampilkan postingan dengan label Browsing cheats

Etisalat free 60mb Now working with the new version of Xp psiphon

Ever since Etisalat free 60mb per day stopped working on Tweakware, lots of friends and fans have been asking us if the Etisalat cheat has been blocked or if the fault is from Tweakware. After several investigations, we found out that the Etisalat free 60mb is still blazing with Syphon G kings , GMC psiphon and Xp psiphon . With these 3 apps, you can browse with the Etisalat free 60mb without much stress. But we choose to use Xp psiphon because it's fast and more stable. Xp psiphon allows you to export and import configuration files without much stress. But this new version seems to have some little bugs with that. Etisalat free 60mb settings for Xp psiphon 7.0 Requirements Etisalat sim with #0.00 Android phone Xp psiphon Procedures 1. Download and install Xp psiphon. Xp psiphon 7.0.apk download 2. Open the istalled Xp psiphon. 3. Tap the option lines located at the top right side. 4. Tap Xp Generator 5. Copy and paste in the UR

Wow! How to get multiple #500 from Zoto on the same android phone

Recently, we published a post on how to get free 1gb/2gb on your Mtn sim using Zoto and lots of our fans { Crackerwap visitors } have been asking us how to repeat the same trick on their second sims. Today, we will show you a new method of getting multiple #500 from Zoto on the same android phone but on different Sim card and different mail address. NOTE: This trick can be used on the same android phone to get multiple #500 on different Sim cards and different mail address. How to get multiple #500 from Zoto on the same android phone using parallel space. Requirements:     Android phone Sim card { where you want to recieve the #500 } Mail address Few data { Mb } Zoto.apk Parallel space.apk Procedures : NOTE : We assume that you have already gotten your free #500 before on another sim. If you haven't, then tap the below link. How to get #500 from Zoto for free and how to subscribe for Mtn 1gb/2gb for #500. After getting your first #500, then follow the belo tutorial on how to get

Etisalat #0.00 unlimited browsing and downloading (not 60mb but unlimited)

As we promised all Crackers that this year, lots and lots of free stuffs will be released. Thanks to Tweakware teams for this awesome cheat. We all should have known about the Etisalat #0.00 60mb per day and we have been complaining that this cheat can't solve our browsing needs. But today, we will guide you all on how to set up the Etisalat #0.00 unlimited free browsing. How to browse and download unlimitedly with your Etisalat sim using Tweakware. Requirements Tweakware 5.8.apk Etisalat sim with #0.00 Android device and Patience. Procedures: 1. Download and install Tweakware 5.8 by tapping here 2. Switch on your data connection and open the installed Tweakware. 3. Tap None ,then choose Etisalat 0.00k and connect 4. After a succesful connection, tap Settings {located at the top right side of your screen} and tap Remote Tweak {Wait for it to install successfully}. 5. After a successful installation, go back and disconnect. 6. Now choose Remote Tweak {no more Etisalat

Two methods to use Airtel 2G data in 3G mode

Airtel #200 for 2gb and #500 for 5gb have been active for a long period of time but works only in 2G or for 2G phones. Recently, we have been getting similar messages from diffirent people {mainly people from Asia and Africa} asking us to crack a way in which they can use Airtel 2G data. Today, we are dropping 2 methods which will enable you to use 2G data plan on 3G. Before we proceed, we want you to bear the bellow points in mind. This trick has been tested and confirmed working by the founder {Cracker Lordz} and Christain Nelson in Nigeria. This trick seems to be data capped {not stable} but will soon be fixed. This trick might not work for your sim {it selects sim}. How to use Airtel 2G in 3G or 4G. 1st method. 1. Recharge and subscribe for the Airtel 2G plan.{Dial *482# for Nigerians} 2. Go to settings {where you will switch from 2G to 3G} and minimize it. 3. Switch on your data connection and start browsing in 2G mode. 4. After about 1 minute, minimize your browser and switch fr

New: Airtel #0.00 faster and stable with Crack vpn2 for all sims

We all should have heard of the Airtel #0.00 which we have been blazing on android and pc with psiphon and tweak it. Here at,we always try to provide the best to our readers. Before we proceed,we advice you to try the below method if you haven't. Airtel #0.00 unlimited free browsing with Xp psiphon. Airtel #0.00 with Tweak it What is Crack vpn Crack vpn is an android vpn app which allows its users to browse freely.It is an app edited from Tweakware vpn by Cracker Lordz and Nuel Cee (The Mystery Minds). Some of us might have heard of Reality vpn,Jackobian vpn and many other vpns edited from Tweakware vpn. But today,we will be releasing our own edited Tweakware named Crack vpn with many features over other vpns. Advantages of Crack vpn over Tweakware and any other tweakware edited apps. 1. Tweakware unfortunately stopped --> FIXED 2. Maximun number of free users reached --> REDUCED for 1st and 2nd choice server. 3. Ads after connection --> TOTA

Wow! 3 top commentators of December (receive your reward now)

It's been a long period of time this December and many of us have been expecting this Day(The end of December). We promised all Crackers to reward the 3 top commentators of the month and that is what we are about to do now. What is 3 top commentators of the month ? 3 top commentators of the month means the 3 people with the highest comments in our site for that particular month. Below are the list of 5 top commentators. 1. adesina babatunde 2. meeky bash  3. Charles amobi 4. Christian Nelson 5. Emeka Maduka  If you are among the above listed names(1 - 3),then you have to comment with your mobile number and your network provider. Example: 08176128336 - Etisalat Don't forget that January 3 top commentators counts from 1st January, 2017. Therefore, always visit this site and drop your comments. Congratulations to the 3 top commentators of December. You too can be among the 3 top commentators of January by just dropping your comments.

HOT: fast and stable Airtel #0.00 unlimited browsing cheat.

Hello all,long time and no newly cracked cheat.But today,Airtel unlimited browsing cheats has been cracked,tested and confirmed to be working for all sims. While we were testing the Airtel unlimited browsing cheat,we got complains that the Airtel cheat does not work for some people and we decided to find a solution to that. Some of us know about Glo unlimited free browsing cheats which always disconnects and we should also be aware that Airtel cheats never lasts{Often blocked within a month}.So we advice you all to read this post carefully and give this cheat a try. We tested so many vpn apps just to ensure that the cheat works for you all.You can check the below screenshot for proves. How to setup the Airtel free unlimited browsing cheats. 1. Download and install Xp psiphon{recommended} Xp psiphon.apk download 2. Download Airtel #0.00 configuration file. Airtel #0.00.xp download 3. Open the installed Xp psiphon. 4. Tap the + sign at the right buttom. 5. Tap Import config and ta

Download Crackerwap.apk now

Merry Christmas to all Crackers. We are glad to announce to you all about our official android app named Crackerwap ,which we will be launching today. We have been working as hard as we can to ensure that visiting our site is made easier for all Crackers.And the launching of our official android app will certainly favour all android users by delivering all our posts directly to their android phones through our app. At this moment,we are lauching our app for android formats only but will soon be lauching our app for other formats{ios and pc}. Some features of our official android app Below are some of the features of our official android app * 25 of our current posts. * Last 24 hours post {Posts published 24 hours ago}. * All unreads posts.{Posts which have not been read by you}. * All Stared{Posts which you stared} . * Downloads{Where all your downloaded files are stored}. * Google{For surfing other sites}. * Inbuilt fast browser And so many features not listed above. Screenshot

Crackerwap set to launch it's official android(apk) app

Crackerwap is ready to release its official android app on the 25th of December,2016. This android app will favour android users as it delivers all our latest posts directly to their phones.Our app also has an inbuilt fast browser which you can use to access other sites. For non android users,stay tune because we are working on other platforms. Our android app will be published in this blog on 25th December 2016 with full app review{images included} and the download link.

Crackerwap to include video tutorials in posts

This is a good improvement to all Crackers as we now add video tutorials to our posts. We try to ensure that all Crackers{You all} understands our post by adding relevant images,spacing our posts properly and other techniques which we make use of.But from now henceforth,we will start including videos in our posts. How will we add these videos to our posts?. At the end of the post,you will find a link named Watch video tutorial which you are to tap and watch.Watching the video tutorial will guide you step by step in that particular topic. We will also include a download link for the video tutorial so that you can also watch the video offline. All you have to do is to subscribe to our Youtube channel by tapping any of the below links or by copying any of the links to your browser. Subscribe to our official youtube channel. Copy this to your browser:

List of current browsing cheats and tips

Hello Crackers,in this post I will be listing out the current working browsing cheats. No need for searching all over google for browsing cheats because we will update this post once new cheats are cracked or once old cheats are blocked. 1.Etisalat 0.00k free browsing{capped at 60mb per day}. This has been blazing for a long time now using tweakware and psiphon handler.It is capped at 60mb daily,which means you can only use a maximum of 60mb per day.And it is easy to set. Etisalat #0.00 settings 2.Glo 0.00k free browsing{unlimited}. This is the oldest cheat I know about and it has been blazing till now.This cheat has no limit and can be used with tweakware and psiphon handler.It is very easy to set.   Glo 0.00k settings 3.Airtel 200mb for 200naira. This bundle is an official Airtel data bundle made for whatsapp and facebook.But browse with opera mini.It is fast and works well in 3G.   Airtel 200mb for 200naira 4.Mtn double your data This is when you get a new android phone with you