
Showing posts from August, 2012


Baiklah saya akan memulai dengan terlebih dahulu bertanya kepada pembaca, apakah anda memiliki modem usb? Apakah modem tersebut dapat berguna dengan baik ? pernahkah pembaca mendapati modem usb yang lama di pakai dan menjadi panas? Dan tahukah pembaca, akibat dari panas modem tersebut? Mari kita bahas satu persatu jawaban dari pertanyaan yang saya ajukan diatas . Sudah jelas artikel ini hanya untuk orang-orang yang memiliki modem dirumah , bukan modem ADSL, melainkan modem USB. Berikut contoh modem USB [menggunakan gambar modem saya aja hehehe Nah, jika anda memiliki modem yang berbeda tidak usah khawatir karena ini hanya sampel :D . Nah setelah anda mengamati modem modem anda, apakah modem tersebut berguna dengan baik? Tentu saja itu pertanyaan sulit karena kita tidak tau bagaimana keadaan modem ketika melakukan koneksi, ketika modem mati, dan ketika modem kembang kempis :D . Namun, jika kita membeli modem baru, sudah pasti kecepatan prima, namun, 1-2 bulan ? atau mungkin 3...

How To Add Share Buttons To Blogger templates amended

It may be easy to show social buttons Favorites Blogger on blogs that use standard templates provided by Blogger through activation property of Page elements , conversely added for those who will not appear using templates modified or loaded from a second party, even if they already mentioned step because these templates may not contain the short code shown buttons. So in this lesson you will learn about how we can show Add social buttons Favorites provided from Blogger templates amended. The first step: activation social buttons Favorites in Blogger To activate buttons Favorites social blogger  Our from the Blog Control Panel to "page elements" and then in the "blog posts" pressing "Edit" and in the pop-up window to do option mark in the box that appears side buttons Favorites also appeared in the image below and then pressing save button. The second step: modify the template to show buttons Favorites Before proceeding to modify the template please abi...

Hadits Arba'in (16)

Hadits Ke Enam Belas Artinya: Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahuanhu sesungguhnya seseorang bertanya kepada Rasulullah shallallahu`alaihi wa sallam: (Ya Rasulullah shallallahu`alaihi wa sallam ) nasihatilah saya. Beliau bersabda : Jangan kamu marah. Dia menanyakan hal itu berkali-kali. Maka beliau bersabda: Jangan engkau marah. (Riwayat Bukhari) Kandungan Hadist: 1. Anjuran bagi setiap muslim untuk memberikan nasihat dan mengenal perbuatan-perbuatan kebajikan, menambah wawasan ilmu yang bermanfaat serta memberikan nasihat yang baik 2. Larangan marah. 3. Dianjurkan untuk mengulangi pembicaraan hingga pendengar menyadari pentingnya dan kedudukannya. Perintah Rasulullah untuk tidak marah mengandung 2 penafsiran, yaitu: Maksudnya tahanlah marah, yaitu ketika ada sesuatu yang membuat marah maka berusahalah untuk tidak melampiaskan kemarahannya. Menghindarkan diri dari sebab-sebab yang mendatangkan kemarahan. Terapi Ketika Menghadapi Kemarahan Ada beberapa cara untuk terhindar dari melampiask...

Top 10 JDBC Best Practices for Java Programmer

Java JDBC Best practices JDBC Best Practices are some coding practices which Java programmer should follow while writing JDBC code. As discussed in how to connect to Oracle database from Java , JDBC API is used to connect and interact with a Database management System. We have touched some of the JDBC best practices in our last article 4 JDBC Performance tips , On which we have discussed simple tips to improve performance of Java application with database. By using JDBC you can execute DDL , DML and Stored Procedures. JDBC Best practices is probably most significant set of coding practices in Java because it significantly affect performance of Java application. I have seen substantial performance gain by simply following common JDBC best practices like running queries with auto commit mode disable. One of the query which we used in our example of JDBC Batch update was taking almost 30 second to finish with auto commit mode enabled but it just took under one second with auto commi...

Hakikat Zuhud

Mutiara Ihya ulumuddin Yang dimaksud dengan hakikatnya zuhud adalah menolak sesuatu serta mengandalkan yang lain. Maka barangsiapa yang meninggalkan kelebihan dunia serta menolaknya dan mengharapkan akhirat maka ia juga zuhud di dunia. Sedangkan derajat zuhud yang tertinggi adalah jika ia tidak menginginkan segala sesuatu selain Allah SWT bahkan akhirat. Zuhud haruslah disertai pengetahuan bahwa akhirat itu lebih baik daripada dunia. Amalan yang timbul dari suatu keadaan ialah sebagai pelengkap dari suatu keinginan terhadap akhirat. Sedangkan segala amalnya bagaikan pembayaran harga dengan memelihara harta serta anggota tubuh dari segala yang. bertentangan dengan jualan ini. Sedangkan keutamaan zuhud ditunjukkan oleh ayat sebagai berikut: Allah SWT. telah berfirman, "Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan apa yang ada di bwni sebagaiperhiasan baginya agar Kami dapat menguji mereka siapa yang terbaik perbuatannya di antara mereka" . (QS. Al-Kahfi: 7) Allah SWT. telah berfirman, ...

Istri-istri Rasulullah SAW (Ummul Mu'minin) dan Kelebihannya

[1] Khodijah binti Khuwalihid Istri yang paling bagus akhlaknya terhadap Nabi => Lahir 6 orang anak : Al-Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Ummu Kaltsum, Fathimah Az-Zahra, Abdullah [2] Saudah binti Zum'ah Menikah saat Nabi berusia 50thn saat pulang dari Isra Miraj, dinikahi setelah Khodijah meninggal [3] Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Shidiq Paling cerdas dan pencemburu. Di nikahi saat berumur 6thn dan Nabi 52thn, dan mulai berumah tangga saat Aisyah berumur 9thn [4] Hafsah binti Umar bin Khathab Seorang ahli sastra [5] Zainab binti Khuzaimah [6] Zainab binti Jahsy Seorang bangsawan [7] Hind (Ummu Salamah) Istri yang paling cantik. => Lahir 3 orang anak : Ilman, Zainab, Durrah [8] Ummu Habibah/ Ramlah binti Sakhar [9] Juwariah binti Harits [10] Siti Shofiah binti Hayay r.a. [11] Siti Maimunah binti Harits Alhilailah r.a. [12] Mariyah Al-Qibtiyah Seorang remaja putri hadiah/pemberian dari Raja Mesir Muqauqis => Lahir seorang putra bernama Ibrahim Sampai tahun ke-9 Hijriah istri Nabi berjuml...

Sejarah Hindia Belanda Menjelang Perang Dunia ke II

3 Penguasa Hindia Belanda sebelum perang. Kiri ke kanan. Jenderal Gerardus Johannes Berenschot (Panglima KNIL), Gubernur Jenderal Jonkheer Alidius Warmoldus Lambertus Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer (Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda terakhir) dan Laksamana Conrad Emil Lambert Helfrich (Panglima Angkatan Laut Belanda di Hindia). Sebenarnya sudah tidak ada hubungan sejarah antara zaman keemasan Kolonial Belanda di Hindia itu dengan zaman Republik Indonesia yang Merdeka dan Berdaulat saat ini. Kecuali upacara Kemerdekaan yang selalu diadakan setiap tahun di Istana Merdeka. Tempat itu (istana Gambir atau Koningsplein Palace...sekarang kita selalu menyebutnya sebagai Istana merdeka), adalah cacat dari Revolusi Indonesia. Memuliakan tempat tersebut selalu seolah membuka luka lama dari penderitaan penjajahan oleh Kolonial Belanda. Tempat itu sejak didirikan selalu menjadi tempat terhormat bagi perayaan-perayaan Pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Ketiga tokoh ini sebelum perang saat diambil gambarn...

Blog SEO: 25 advice to website owners, tips to improve the ranking of your blog

1 - If you want to use the Javascript language in the drop-down menus and you want to put links to images, be sure to create a page at the site of each is placed links your site without exception.  2 - the content of the page as a king for Google and other search engines, so make sure you put good content and a unique and immovable, and through targeted keywords task set by the codes meta crown. 3 - If the content of the page as a King, the internal and external links are queen, so I work on building a network internal and external links to your site using keywords targeted.   4 - Do not be obsessed with PR your site, PR Prestige not only to your site and helps to fast archiving, so now find sites with low PR top Google results and precedes the sites with high PR.  5 - Make sure diversification in codes meta crown, especially in the crown of the title, must be every page of your site address is different from other pages, and if there had to be a name of your site or...

Servis Komputer / Laptop Panggilan Gresik Dan Sekitarnya

PUSAT SERVICE KOMPUTER / LAPTOP BERPENGALAMAN DAN BERGARANSI Punya masalah Dengan Komputer Anda?? Tenang jangan Kuatir!! LUGHOT kini hadir di kota Gresik. Segera hubungi kami : Teknisi Lughot akan segera datang dan mengerjakannya di tempat begitu anda menghubungi kami. kami dapat anda hubungi di   031 91268911   atau di   0838 3117 0885 . kami menerima service komputer, laptop, printer, monitor dan notebook. Dengan memberikan garansi komputer yang kami perbaiki untuk kerusakan yang sama selama 1 bulan. biaya jasa service : Rp 100.000 biaya cancel/cek fisik : Rp 25.000 Alasan utama kenapa ANDA harus menggunakan Layanan Jasa Kami hari ini. Kami akan memberikan pelayanan service/perbaikan komputer/laptop software maupun hardware dengan : Bergaransi 1 Bulan Untuk Layanan Jasa Service Untuk Kerusakan Yang Sama ; Harga Layanan Jasa Service Yang Terjangkau ; Teknisi Berpengalaman & Bertanggung jawab ; JAMINAN original suku cadang ; Ongkos cancel/cek fisik baru akan kami kena...

How to delete empty files directories in Unix Linux Server

Deleting empty file and directory in Unix Many times we need to find and delete empty files or directories in UNIX/Linux. Since there is no single command in Unix/Linux which allows you to remove empty files or empty directories rather we need to rely on find command and xargs command . In this UNIX and linux example we will see How to delete empty files and directories. Before removing empty files and directories we need to find those files and there are lots of option available to search for empty directories like find , grep , awk etc. You just need to know correct option. Like in any other operating system empty files and directories in Unix are those whose size is zero. Empty files doesn't contains any content while empty directories does not contain anything at all e.g files or sub-directories. As discussed in previous post 10 frequently used find command examples we can also use find command to search and delete empty files and directories as it provides searching files b...

Kotak � Pelan-Pelan Saja

Dok: INTRO:  C  F C     Em           F         G     C           F      G Ku tahu kamu pasti rasa apa yang ku rasa C     Em          F            G        Am       Dm     G Ku tahu cepat atau lambat kamu kan mengerti C  Em     F         G          C       F...

Increase number of visitors to your blog - your way to success

May take half an hour of time to do a blog, but the most difficult step is to make a blog successful. May take years to become the required level and has become permanent visitors because visitors factor is the success of the blog and profit by visitors. We'll show the proper methods that attract visitors to your blog: Write content for post Blogger can write about anything and it does not mean that all his writings will receive admiration and participation on networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Good writing alone is not enough, but you must add the address attractive to readers, and taking into account the writing line appropriate for all groups means that the line is not big nor small, and strengthen the topic comic pictures and information to add aesthetic subject and draw attention. Post There is no better way to participate (forums, social networking sites) to target visitors and attract them, but do not be naive. I believe that a lot of bloggers put links Leaders ...

How to Convert Collection to String in Java - Spring Framework Example

How to convert Collection to String in Java Many times we need to convert any Collection like Set or List into String like comma separated or any other delimiter delimited String . Though this is quite a trivial job for a Java programmer as you just need to Iterate through the loop and create a big String where individual String are separated by a delimiter, you still need to handle cases like the last element should not have delimiter or at a bare minimum you need to test that code. I like Joshua Bloch advice on Effective Java to use libraries for those common tasks let it be an internal proprietary library or any open source library as used in previous examples of Spring , Apache Commons or Google�s Guava but point is that you should avoid converting ArrayList to String like common task by yourself on application code. Read more �

Flanella - Selamat Tinggal Cinta Pertama

Dok: INTRO:  D#  Gm  G#  A# D#        Gm  G#           G#m Ku tulis ini... saat tersedih...                     D#                    F Menunggu dirimu yang tak bersalah        Fm        G#     A# Terpisah kar'na keadaan D#              Gm   G#         G#m Selamat tinggal cinta pertama        ...

How to write parametrized Generic class and method in Java Example

Parameterized Generic class and method in Java Writing Generic parametrized class and method in Java is easy and should be used as much as possible. Generic in Java was introduced in version 1.5 along with Autoboxing , Enum , varargs and static import . Most of the new code development in Java uses type-safe Generic collection i.e. HashSet in place of HashSet but still Generic is underused in terms of writing own parametrized classes and method. I agree that most Java programmers has started using Generic while working with the Java collection framework but they are still not sure how Generic can allow you to write Template kind of classes which can work with any Type just like the parametrized ArrayList in Java which can store any Type of element. In the last couple of article about Generics we have seen How Generic works in Java and explored wild cards of Generic in Java and In this part of Java Generic example we will see How to write parametrized Generic Class and method...

Ied Mubarak 1433 H


Lirik dan Chord : Anang - Separuh Jiwaku Pergi

INTRO:  D  A/C#  Bm  A  G  Bm/F#  Em  A     D              A/C#    Bm  A Separuh jiwaku pergi                          Em                       A Memang indah semua tapi berakhir luka           F#m   Bm           Em Kau main hati dengan sadarmu         A Kau tinggal aku REFF:             ...

What is JSESSIONID in J2EE Web application - JSP Servlet?

What is JSESSIONID in JSP-Servlet JSESSIONID is a cookie generated by Servlet containers like Tomcat or Jetty and used for session management in J2EE web application for HTTP protocol. Since HTTP is a stateless protocol there is no way for Web Server to relate two separate requests coming from the same client and Session management is the process to track user session using different session management techniques like Cookies and URL Rewriting . If a Web server is using a cookie for session management it creates and sends JSESSIONID cookie to the client and then the client sends it back to the server in subsequent HTTP requests . JSESSIONID and session management is a not only a popular Servlet interview question but also appear in various JSP interviews . Along with What is JSESSIONID interviewer are also interested in when and how JSESSIONID is created in Servlet and JSP which we will see in next section. Read more �

Practices to write JUnit test cases in Java Program

JUnit best practices in Java A good, well thought and well-written JUnit test can prevent several production issues during initial development or later maintenance in Java application. Though one can only be perfect in writing JUnit test by practice and a level of business knowledge which is important to envision different scenarios on which a method gets called, some best practices or experience of another developer may help to guide other programs. In this Java article, I am sharing some JUnit tips and JUnit best practices which I have learned and follow while writing unit tests using JUnit for Java programs. One of the books which helped me a lot is Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java with JUnit by Andrew Hunt and Dave Thomas, This book shares a lot of JUnit best practices which are worth reading and learning if you are serious about Unit testing using JUnit.  Read more >>

Lirik dan Chord : Rini Wulandari - Aku Tetap Milikmu

INTRO:  G  Em  C  D  (2x)    G                          Em                             C                D Jujur kukatakan kaulah yang terbaik yang ada selama ini     G                              Em               C             ...

Chord dan Lirik : Sheila on 7 - Bila Kau Tak di Sampingku

Dok: INTRO:  B  B Tak seharusnya kita berpisah  F# Tak semestinya kita bertengkar  G#m                               D#m Kar'na diriku masih butuh kau        C# Maafkanlah sikapku, lupakanlah salahku itu INTRO:  B (*) B Terlalu bodoh untuk diriku F# Menahan berat jutaan rindu G#m                          D#m Apalagi menahan egoku       C# Maafkanlah sikapku, lupakanlah salahku      D# Luapkan kepadaku Oo...